Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You're Invited!

Yes, you're invited to our Sagip Christmas Party! :-D

[caption id="attachment_177" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Snowflake paper and Merry Christmas Tag by Bonnie Covel; Snowflake Strip from Shabby Princess"]Snowflake paper and Merry Christmas Tag by Bonnie Covel; Snowflake Strip from Shabby Princess[/caption]

Should you wish to give gifts to the kids or help us out with the giveaways and prizes, do let me know.

Hope to see you there! :-)

Friday, November 21, 2008

E bakit busy ka?

I am on a roll! This is my 3rd entry today. Just have to let these thoughts out.....

I was talking to a brother from my community about some stuff. He asked about my mom and then asked about my work. When I told him I didn't go through with it, he then asked me why I was busy ( I told him I missed his calls because I was busy). Delayed reaction ako eh so ang nasagot ko na lang was ako ang nag-aasikaso sa bahay.

Napaisip tuloy ako. Can't I be busy with things other than work? Well, he probably didn't know that my mother is still in the hospital. Kung alam kaya niya, tatanungin pa rin niya kaya kung bakit ako busy? He's really not one of my close friends and he doesn't know everything so I don't expect him to understand.

Work lang ba ang rason para maging busy ka? If you don't have work, does that automatically mean na wala kang ginagawa? What if it was your choice to become unemployed for reasons you don't have to explain to everyone or anyone for that matter? Is my worth as a person measured by whether I have work or not? Maybe some people think that if you remain jobless, you do not care about your present and future. Meron sigurong tao na ganun but do people think I am like that? My career decisions may not have been the best according to general standards but I know that they have been the best for me. I have no regrets in terms of my career or about anything in my life. I have learned a lot from the consequences of my decisions and for all the times that I fell and reached the bottom, I have always managed to rise up and redeem myself. If I do not follow what most people think is correct, does that mean I am less of a person? I don't think so. We are all different and whatever is best for one person may not necessarily be the best for another.

Hay! How I wish people would be less critical, be more open-minded and sensitive.

True Friends

While I was writing my Sagada entry, I suddenly realized that a lot can happen in a year.

Some things change. Some don't.

Some people change. Some don't.

Some people stay. Some leave.

Some are still you friends. Some are not anymore.

While I was reading through the blog of Francis Magalona ( he also has leukemia like my mom but a different type), I came across this:
When the chips are down, that's when you'll see who your TRUE friends are.

I didn't quite understand what the word chips meant so I asked a friend. She gave me this version:
When the curtains' down, that's when you'll see who your TRUE friends are.

Sabi niya, that has several meanings daw:
1) at the end of a show, good or bad one, you'll see after who will stay... even when the lights have gone out....

2) when you've gone into hiding, you'd know who will open the window to check up on you... or who will just wait til youre ready to come out again.

Well, when the times are tough, that's when you'll know who your true friends are. Well, at least you'll know what kind of friendship you have with them. There are people with whom you share deep bonds. Meron naman akala mo close kayo, akala mo sila ang mas makakaintindi sa yo pero hindi pala. On the other hand, meron din na hindi mo ineexpect na kaibigan mo na kahit hindi pa kayo masyado magkakilala ng lubusan. 

I know that I still have to be thankful for all of them because they are still friends. Minsan nakakalungkot lang yung mga akala mong close friends mo.

My Sagada Adventure

I've been writing about really sad things lately. This time, I'm going to write about something fun for a change. :-)


I just got sentimental recently and remembered that it has been a year since my trip to Sagada in Mt. Province, Luzon. That trip was really fun and a major laugh and food trip! It was also exciting since my friends and I got to try caving.

I'll try to remember many details as possible. please bear with me, may memory gap kasi ako ;-) Read on....

I went to Sagada with two good friends from SFC, Glo-Ann and Joe. I think dapat Bacolod kami but other friends backed out so we just decided to push through with this one. Glo-Ann had a friend who arranges tours and we availed of her set package. Almost all in na (almost kasi some of the meals were not included in the package) at P5k (or was it P4.5K?). Not bad di ba? ;-) You can click on the link to her site from my page (Tropical Paradise of Asia).

We left in the evening of Nov 1 and got to Bontoc at around 8 am the following day. That's where we had breakfast and made a quick stop at the Bontoc Museum.

[caption id="attachment_121" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Approaching Bonctoc"]Approaching Bonctoc[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_123" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Bontoc Museum"]Bontoc Museum[/caption]

We arrived at Sagada around 11 am already. We checked in at our inn (I forgot its name). The three of us were assigned to a room together with our guide. That wasn't a problem for me or any of my friends. The only problem was that Glo-Ann and I didn't feel comfortable sharing the bathroom with other people. Yes, common CR siya! No offense to the others in our group but maarte lang kami siguro, hehehe. We decided to try and look for a place where we could transfer. But that would have to be during our free time. We had to go to lunch and proceed with our first hiking activity, which would prepare us dawfor the walking that we had to do the next day.

We had lunch at St. Jo's Restaurant(I think!). The food was ok. We didn't mind so much anymore since we were very hungry kaya lamon na lang, hehehe.

[caption id="attachment_125" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Socials during lunch"]Socials during lunch[/caption]

After lunch, we started with our hike to Echo Valley. We passed by St. Mary's Episcopal church and the Sagada cemetery.

[caption id="attachment_126" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Inside St. Mary's Church"]Inside St. Mary's[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_130" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Sagada Cemetery"]Sagada Cemetery[/caption]

It wasn't so cold at that time, though we were ready. :-) Glo-Ann was wearing long sleeves and we had our trusty jackets. Everything was so green and the air was so fresh and relaxing! Because of that, we didn't get really tired from the all the walking.

[caption id="attachment_131" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="With Glo-Ann"]With Glo-Ann[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_132" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Some hanging coffins"]Some hanging coffins[/caption]

After our hike to Echo Valley, we had the rest of the afternoon and evening free. Before going back to our inn, we scouted for a new one where we could transfer. Luckily for us, we found this nice place near Masferre Country Inn and Resataurant. It's called the Igorot Inn. I think we paid P1.5K per night  for the room. Our room had its own bathroom equipped with hot and cold shower! We had to go back to the other inn to get our stuff. Walking distance naman but medyo malayo na rin if you have to carry stuff. Buti na lang, gentleman si Joe! ;-) He carried all the bags!

[caption id="attachment_133" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Hehehehe"]Hehehehe[/caption]

Well, transferring was worth it. Look at the view from our room!

[caption id="attachment_135" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Wow!"]Wow![/caption]

When I knew that I was going to Sagada, I asked a friend who had been there for some tips. She specifically mentioned that we should try out Yoghurt House. Since it was already on the same street as Igorot Inn, we decided to have dinner there. I think we got sandwiches and pasta. We loved their Tomato and Basil Pasta! It was so yummy. And to think I'm not really into veggies. ;-)

[caption id="attachment_136" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Yummy pasta"]Yummy pasta[/caption]

Of course we tried out their yogurt. I think we ordered just the plain one and we didn't like it. :-( Maybe we should have gotten one that came with fruit toppings. We still decided to have it wrapped. I really don't know why but we were able to put it into good use that night. ;-) Sagada has curfew, which I think is 9pm. There was nothing to do anymore so we just decided to buy some wine and play truth or consequence (hey, there was no tv in our room!). Guess what was the consequence. ;-) Yup, eat a spoonful of yogurt! Hehehe :-D Hmmm...I think we almost finished the leftover yogurt. Guess who had to eat most of it. :-P


Our 2nd day there was jampacked! We went to see the Bomod-ok falls or the Big Falls in the morning. It tookus the whole morning to reach the falls, stay awhile for swimming and picture taking and then go back. Going to the falls was oksince we were mostly going down. Going back was harder! I should have excercised more! I really got so tired! Mahilo-hilo ako sa pagod! Grabe talaga! But the sights were worth it!

[caption id="attachment_137" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="On our way"]On our  way[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_138" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Sunflowers!"]Sunflowers![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_140" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Rice terraces"]Rice terraces[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_141" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Well it was cold that day"]Well it was cold that day[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_142" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Finally, the Bomod-ok Falls!"]Finally, the Bomod-ok Falls![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_145" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Kapuy na!"]Kapuy na![/caption]

After a very tiring morning, we rested for a short time during lunch at Masferre Restaurant before we were off  for the real adventure.  We were exploring Sumaguing Cave.

I've read that Sumaguing Cave is also called the Big Cave and one should not leave Sagada without visiting this one. I didn't take a lot of pictures inside because we were very busy trying not to slip and fall off! Hehehehe... There were times that I really had to hug the rocks or sandstone so that I could pull myself up. Most of the time we didn't mind anymore what our hands were touching(mud or bat poop!). I also enjoyed crawling into this very small hole, experiencing a human ladder ( kawawa naman si Manong...pero suplado siya!) and rapelling. There was this time when we held on to a rope to cross to the other side since the stream below was kind of deep. Well, you'll get wet whatever you do becuase this activity invloves crossing a waist deep pool (well, it more like chest deep for me! :-D). It was really a very memorable adventure!!!

[caption id="attachment_143" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="At the entrance"]At the entrance[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_144" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="In between rock formations"]In between rock formations[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_146" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Rest time"]Rest time[/caption]

When we got out of the cave, all I could think of was taking a shower and getting a massage! Hahahaha :-D Members of our group envied us because our hot and cold shower was waiting for us.

To make up for the very tiring day, our guide brought us to this cool palce called Log Cabin. We had buffet dinner!!! We had pork chops, mashed potato and veggies. Food was great and so yummy. I think this place only offers buffet every Saturday and you have to reserve to ensure seats. By the way, Saturday is also the market day in Sagada. The chef, I think, buys ingredients from the market in the morning so food is guaranteed fresh.

[caption id="attachment_147" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo c/o Glo-Ann"]Photo c/o Glo-Ann[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_148" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Fireplace pix by Glo-Ann"]Fireplace pix by Glo-Ann[/caption]

On our last day there, we didn't go with the group to the pottery center. We decided to use the time to do some last minute pasalubong shopping. Glo-Ann and I hoarded these tea leaves which were really cheap at P10/pack!

Since we loved Yoghurt House so much, we dediced to have breakfast there. Nag take out pa kami ng sandwiches for lunch!

[caption id="attachment_149" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Last day"]Last day[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_150" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Breakfast and take out...hehe"]Breakfast and take out...hehe[/caption]

We stopped by Bontoc on our way home and had some shopping time there.

[caption id="attachment_155" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Bontoc Town Proper"]Bontoc Town Proper[/caption]

I think 3 days and 2 nights were not enough. Maybe 4 days or more would be better so you can schedule some rest time in between all the physical activities. Plus I think there were other sights that we could have visited also. Well, maybe next time. ;-) I really want to go back and just take it easy. Sagada was peaceful and calming. :-D

* Thanks to Glo-Ann for the pictures! :-)

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Piece of Advice

I came across this article today while reading the Philippine Star. It was written by Francis Kong. I became interested because I was impressed with him when he gave a talk at a conference. The title of the article also caught my attention - Attitude is Everything (

I've been down the past weeks because of our situation at home. Sometimes, it gets hard to see the brighter side of things. Plus I have this habit of really wallowing in my sadness before I decide to get my act together. I usually give myself time to feel sad, to feel the pain before I encourage myself to move forward. Ganun talaga ako. I don't want to force myself to immediately feel better just because that would make me seem like a strong person to others. Well, I don't want others naman to pity me.

The article emphasizes that attitude plays a big deal in whether we will be a success or a failure in life. Mr. Kong has these words for his readers: Your attitude would either make you or break you.

I think most of the time, it's really up to us how to make the most of what we get out of life. But how can we still smile when our world seems to be crumbling down? We remember that we are loved by God, that we are still blessed and that we should be thankful for these blessings.

Mr. Kong's advice:

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass.

It’s about learning to dance in the rain.


Let us all try to apply that in our daily lives. :-) Hope you all have a great week ahead!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tough life

Life has been pretty tough the past few weeks. Mom was in the hospital for about a month.


My mom was diagnosed with leukemia 2 months ago. It was something that was very hard to accept. To be honest, I am still trying very hard to comprehend and understand the the fact that my mother has cancer. Why does it have to be my mom? Sometimes, I wish that I was the one with cancer.

She went in and got confined to start her treatment. Unfortunately, 3 days after she was admitted, she was transferred to the ICU. I will never forget that early morning call from my father. He told me to go the hospital asap and that he has already contacted our driver so that I wouldn't have to drive. I called up my very good friends and told them about the call. 2 of them offered to go with me.

Ma had trouble with her breathing and so they had to put her on a respirator or ventilator. It was so hard to see Ma in that kind of condition. Before that, I was kind of in a state of denial. But that night, nag-sink na talaga. :-(


I guess Ma was also in denial or both my parents just didn't want others to worry. Ma didn't want other people to know, even her siblings. Pasaway ako e so my closest friends knew about the situation. Hindi ko ata kakayanin yun kung ako lang nakakaalam. Come to think of it, my parents were very brave and strong. They had no other support group aside from us, their kids. So when things didn't look good that night, I decided it was time for our relatives to know. It was hard calling them up and telling them that Ma was sick. They were all shocked to hear about Ma's condition. Bakit noon ko lang daw sinabi? It felt so good to share with them. One of my cousins and her husband immediately went to the hospital after I called them up. Some of Ma's siblings arrived from the province the day after. One of my aunts even came home from abroad. Support just came pouring in.

Life for about a month was just home and the hospital. I would see my friends when they came to visit. God bless the souls of those people who showed their support and concern for our family. I am overwhelemed by the number of people who said that they were praying for my mom. Maraming magtetext asking kung kamusta na ako at ang mom ko. There were also people who sent prayer booklets, blessed oils, food. There was really so much love and support and I appreciate all of them! But hindi pa rin maalis sa akin ang mag-worry. How do I deal with my mother being sick? I know that I have my faith. But I guess I am not as strong as I want to be. People would always tell me to be strong. But how do you do that? How do you do that when your mom has cancer?

My mom has always been my source of strength. If I have problems, my mom would cheer me on. She has always been supportive and spoiled kami sa Mama ko. Now, I have to be the stronger one. And most  of the time, I find that very hard to do. I am trying very hard not to breakdown because my family needs me. Everyday is a struggle. Some would say that we just need to learn how to balance everything. I know my friends mean well with that but sometimes I can't help think that one would REALLY understand me only if he/she was also in the same situation. Well, I wouldn't want them to be in the same situation.

I am trying my best to cope with the situation in my own way. I don't know what the future holds but I am praying that things will get better somehow. Nothing is impossible with God and I believe in miracles.